Tuesday, 15 November 2022
Some updates from EPU's Technical Working Group meeting
Jia Yaw (together with Zoel Ng) represented the Malaysian CSO-SDG Alliance at the Technical Working Group meeting (1/2022) this afternoon.
The Economic Planning Unit (EPU) in the Prime Minister's Department is driving the development of Phase II of the SDG (Sustainable Development Goals) Roadmap of Malaysia (2021-2025).
The SDG Roadmap Phase I (2016-2020) can be downloaded here.
The consultant leading the development of this report is the International Islamic University of Malaysia (IIUM).
At the top is the National Steering Committee. This is advised by the Technical Working Committee, which in turn, is advised by the Technical Working Group.
The members of the NSC, TWC and TWG come from 14 ministries, a handful of government agencies and UNDP. The two non-public sector members of the TWG are the Malaysian CSO-SDG Alliance and SDSN.
At today's meeting, IIUM, led by Prof. Gairuzazmi Bin Mat Ghani, together with Dr. Zainal Abidin Bin Sanusi and others, presented their Inception Report. We had the opportunity to seek clarification and provide feedback.
Many were concerned about hte issue of policy coherence and agencies working in silos (eg. the Ministry of International Trade and Industry developing its ESG framework independently of this SDG Roadmap). Jia Yaw asked about designing for agility and the time-lag of traditional monitoring and evaluation approaches.
The SDG Roadmap for Phase II is expected to be completed in January or February 2023.