Thursday, 17 February 2022
KLSCCCI kicked off its series of ESG-focussed events with this inaugural webinar with 3 important panellists
1. Faroze Nadar, Executive Director, UN Global Compact Network Malaysia & Brunei
2. Prof. Manhendhiran Sanggaran Nair, Pro-Vice Chancellor, Sunway University
3. Dato' Lee Yeow Chor, Group Managing Director & Chief Executive, IOI Corporation Bhd.
Moderators: Yvonne Phe and Kiu Jia Yaw
The Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry of Kuala Lumpur and Selangor (KLSCCCI) formed the ESG Committee to raise the awareness of ESG among its members and beyond. After months of preparation, and with the support of the Associated Chinese Chambers of Commerce & Industry of Malaysia (ACCCIM) and the Chambers from many other states, we were very excited to host the panel discussion on embracing ESG transformation for businesses of different sizes and across different sectors.
Conducted on the Zoom platform, we had well above 300 participants throughout the entire session.
Faroze introduced the concept of ESG, the work of the UNGC, pointed to some toolkits available and how businesses are implementing ESG considerations in their operations.
Prof. Mahendhiran spoke about our national policies that encourage ESG, and the government's strategies and programmes to incentivise transition towards sustainability.
Dato' Lee shared IOI's journey in ESG integration, how it embarked on the journey, particularly in its plantation business, and the lessons learned.
In his welcoming remarks, Datuk Ng Yih Pyng, president of KLSCCCI, urged business leaders to embrace ESG in the face of more and more complex challenges, and emerge as leaders in sustainable development.
In his opening remarks, Dato' Low Kian Chuan, president of the National Chamber of Commerce & Industry of Malaysia (NCCIM) and ACCCIM, highlighted the urgency for climate action and the concerns following the last climate conference in Glasgow, COP26.
Follow the link below for the recording of the webinar.
News media coverage:
1. Oriental Daily: 时代挑战日益复杂 隆雪中总:业者应审视业务可持续发展战略
2. Oriental Daily: 中总商业和经济状况调查 仅16.1%受访业者实践绿色经营
3. The Star: Prepare for Sustainable Trade